Hello Friends, here now I've got a question for you if you struggle with low self-esteem, lack of energy, low sex drive, depression, weight gain, moodiness or even thinner hair.

It might be because your testosterone levels are too low most of the time. so how do you improve it well the best place to start is by eating the right foods.

That will increase your testosterone naturally.

let's get the start by mistakes make you strong now just very quick.

Now you need to know that if you constantly overeat or change your nutritional plan it can and probably will disrupt your testosterone levels. so you need to maintain a good consistent nutritional plan of a healthy protein, fat and carbs so if that in mind.

FOOD#1: Fish

fish like tuna sardines and salmon grass medical University in Austria found that vitamin D boost testosterone by up to 92% and tuna has a lot of it so does sardines and salmon. Now don't go overboard but eating fish twice a week will be good enough

FOOD#2: Oysters

oysters now zinc is very important for men because it helps with sperm health and oysters have more zinc than any other food out there. if you don't have enough zinc in your body you might experience impotence or struggle a little you know what I mean but you can also get zinc from nuts, beans, poultry, red meat and other shellfish.

FOOD#3: Pomegranates

Pomegranates there's been a lot of studies on pomegranate just to show what an amazing fruit this really is if not only increase your testosterone but it also increases your mood and your blood pressure. so, it's really good for your heart and also for some of you that experience a lot of stress.

FOOD#4: Eggs

Eggs now there's a lot of you guys that like to work out and throw away the egg yolk but that's a huge mistake because the egg yolks there are the guys that increase your testosterone levels.

They are packed with vitamin D and actually has more nutrients than the egg white.

YOU THINK:  If I eat egg yolks it's gonna increase my cholesterol.

Well newer studies actually show us just how important the egg yolk really is and you can eat 3 eggs without it affecting your cholesterol according to a study from a University in Connecticut

FOOD#5: Beef

Beef now I know this is a trigger for a lot of people who don't like to eat beef but let me just give you the facts beef boost testosterone and liver.

For Example: a big source of vitamin D and ground beef also increases your zinc and I've already explained how important zinc.

FOOD#6: Honey

Honey yes believe it or not honey has a mineral that's called boron and that increases your testosterone.

It also has nitric oxide which opens up blood vessels so please guys instead of using unhealthy sugar used honey instead but also remember everything has above.

FOOD#7: Grapes

Grapes not only does it taste good but it also increased your testosterone and it makes your sperm more active by increasing the ability to swim. Now it's actually the skin here from the grape that has the super ability.

Few more foods that will increase your testosterone cabbage, garlic, ginger, leafy green vegetables, extra virgin olive oil and onions.

Thanks For Reading I Hope You Will Learn Something From This Blog.


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