How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Body

So, You have stretch marks and you want to get rid of it? Well join the club

because there's actually a lot more guys out there with stretch marks than you

think. Even in teens, it's estimated that 40% of guys have stretch marks. So can

you get rid of it and if you can how do you do it?


Hey Friends In This Blog I am Gonna Give You Some Tips To Rid Off Stretch Marks.


Now is it possible to get rid of stretch marks?

Well, to be honest, it's one of the most difficult skincare concerns out there to deal with.

Because there are no products on the market that can get rid of stretch marks completely.


Tip#1: Retinol Contain Cream

You can use a good quality cream that contains retinol. It's one of the only ingredients that's shown to improve the appearance of stretch marks.


Retinol is also found in good quality anti-aging products because it helps those fine lines and wrinkles.


The way retinol works is that it builds collagen making collagen bundles thicker

and healthier.

You can also get prescription retinoids which are stronger than the products of retinoids.


Tip#2: Laser Therapy 

Laser therapy is one of the best options out there. I think it is the best actually, because it is backed up by studies and it shows that people who went for laser therapy saw an improvement in the appearance of their scars between 50 and 75 percent which is a lot.

Now if you do want to take this route you can go and see your dermatologist because they'll be able to help you out.

If you don't have the money or you feel uncomfortable with doing laser therapy.


Tip#3: Chemical Peels

You can try chemical peels. To be specific TCA peels. Why TCA appeals?

Well, because TCA peels penetrate further than AHA or BHA peels.

So, they are better at stimulating collagen and elastin for the depth of damage in the stretch marks.

Note: It's important to keep your expectations realistic because you won't be able to get rid of stretch marks completely and remember those stretch marks.


For Example: Guys who were heavily overweight and you lost that weight

Then you have those stretch marks and you earned those stripes.


Thank For Reading This Blog I Hope You Learn Something In This Blog
