Handsome Men Skincare Routine _ #3 Basic Steps

Hey guys have you ever wondered why some guys have really clean and clear skin and some guys just struggle a little bit.

Well I believe it's got a lot to do with your skincare routine so I'm gonna give you my male model skincare routine with the best tips and we're starting right now.

I have three basic steps in my skincare routine and I'm gonna share that with you with a couple of tips as

Step#1: Wash your face

Wash Your Face two times a day with a good water soluble cleanser instead of bars of soap why? because the ingredients, they use to keep those soap in that bar form is actually the culprits that clog your pores so you gotta wash your face two times a day.

If you do workout a lot, Please wash your face after every workout.

I'm gonna give you three tips that's very important to know when you wash your face.

TIP#1: Wash Your Face With Lukewarm Water.

A lot of people don't know this actually the first step is to wash your face with lukewarm water.

Yes, we all know the rule that you have to wash your face first with hot water so that opens up those pores and then you rinse it with cold water so it closes it up turns out it's not true. yeah, it's a myth.

Exposing your face to different kind of extremes actually causes you to have dryness skin irritations and blood vessel ruptures so just wash your face with lukewarm water just to keep it.

TIP#2: When You Wash Your Face And Don't Go Crazy Don't Over Wash It.

Why? Because it will just lead to dryness irritation and even inflammation all which destroys your faces ability to fight those pimple causing bacteria.

TIP#3: Washing Your Face Is gently, pat your face dry.

Rubbing it roughly to dry it instead of just patting it gently, will destroy your skin's elasticity ELISA us a list is it anyway you get what I'm saying it can result in major skin sagging in the future and you don't want.

Step#2: Shaving Normally

I don't really like to shave but some clients want me to really shave for the job. I have to do it no choice but there's a few things that you need to know about shaving. I will shave my beard right after I wash my face or after I took a shower because then my beard is softer and I also get a cleaner shave.

Step#3: Use Regular Moisturizer

if it's in the morning I use the daytime I use it every day this is a great moisturizer that not only improves my skin but it protects me from the Sun which means it protects me from aging.

the moisturizer is not heavy, it's not oily and so if you put it on it's very light and it doesn't look shiny at all which is great and when it's night-time.

I use the moisturizer at night-time repair that helps and repair my skin while I sleep alright guys that is my male model skincare routine that keeps my face looking fresh and just clear and clean off pimples and acne.

