#9 Best Food To Gain Weight For Skinny Guys | No 9 Is Will Shock You!


#9 Best Food To Gain Weight For Skinny Guys

Hello Friends In this Blog I gonna Give You Best Food To Gain Weight for skinny guys.

it's very interesting that a lot of people out there believe it's very offensive. if you tell somebody hey you're fat but why is it ok to tell somebody hey you're very skinny you're just missing bones man you need to eat some more food.

why is that ok because skinny guys also have feelings. I mean when I was younger, I used to hate it when somebody started to talk about how skinny I was anyway for me over the years I learned what type of foods to eat to gain weight and also how to maintain that way.

I'm gonna give you the best foods to ups kidding guys gain weight so let's get to it.

FOOD#1: Healthy Whole Grain Bread

it's one of the things that I love the most I eat it almost every single day.

If you combine it with a good protein source like  eggs you'll get a well-balanced high calorie meal that will help you to gain weight but if you don't like bread then try a whole wheat pasta.

FOOD#2: Good Nuts

Nuts are the perfect healthy snack to gain white nuts are very calorie dense. so just a handful of almonds for example has over seven gram of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats now just be careful because eating a lot of nuts can quickly add hundreds of calories.

FOOD#3: Red meats

Red means are one of the best sources of creatine which also makes it one of the best foods that will help you to gain more muscle.

your body used to add new muscle tissue lean and fatty meat will provide. you with good protein but fatty meat will add more calories.

FOOD#4: Salmon And Other Oily Fish

it's a great source of healthy omega-3 fat and protein that will help you to gain weight 470 grams filler. you'll get over 300 calories around 4 grams of omega-3 fat and 34 grams of protein

FOOD#5: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a healthy source of healthy carbs. It fits in with most meals and it is cheap just one sweet potato gives you around 160 calories 37 grams of carbs and 4 grams of protein.

FOOD#6: Whole Milk

I know in recent years a lot of people are very negative towards Milton. A lot of people go on and drink it it is your choice right but milk is great for gaining weight. so, whether you drink it in glass or you use it with your breakfast or even better with a protein shake these are on 100 calories in an 8 ounce glass with 8 grams of protein 12 grams of carbs and 3 grams of fat

FOOD#7: Rice 

Rice should be one of your go-to foods if you want to gain weight especially brown rice. because it's a lot healthier for you than the normal white rice. because it's got more protein and fibre and it also lowers cholesterol one cup of brown rice will give you around 216 calories 44 grams of carbs and 3 and a half grams of fibre

FOOD#8: Avocado

Avocados gives you great quality healthy fat and it goes very well with sandwiches or salads one medium avocado gives you around 450 calories 13 grams of carbs to none grams of fat and 3 grams of protein.

FOOD#9: Eggs

I eat eggs almost every single day because it's so good for you in so many different ways that you're not even aware of Dec protein is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids for muscle repair and recovery.


Apart from eating all of these foods you also need to start eating a lot more food than your usual the term. if you want to have some better results in gaining weight.

it doesn't matter if you think you eat a lot you need to eat a lot more calories than what you burn in a day.

Thanks for reading this blog I Hope You Learn From This Blog

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