How to be more ATTRACTIVE - 18 Tips to LOOK more ATTRACTIVE for men


Alright now let's be honest whether you are single and still looking for that special girl out there or if you already have someone.

We guys we want to be more attractive to them, right? Well luckily there are always things that you can improve on to make yourself better or more attractive so let's start with tip

TIP#1: Always Dress Just A Little Bit Better Than The Situation

Requires don't overdress or underdress. Be self-confident, focus on your strengths and remember you are unique. so remember to smile relax and keep your composure in all situations.

TIP#2: Use Deodorant

Always use deodorant and find a very good cologne that suits you when you find it use it every day and pretty soon people will identify that smell with you

TIP#3: Avoid Bad Breath

There's a lot of guys out there they floss and brush their teeth every day which is great but they forget about their tongue. if you have this white kind of discolouring on your tongue then chances are you have bad breath. so scrape it off.

TIP#4: Avoid Looking Like You've Been Trying Too Hard With Your Clothing Styles.

The people who dress the best looks like they've just happened to put these clothing styles on and they look cool they don't look like they've been obsessing over it. Remember it's not just what you wear it's how you wear it.

TIP#5: Adopt A Habit Of Walking And Sitting With A Straight Back.

If you strengthen the muscles in your back it will make it a lot easier so don't skip those back exercises at the gym.

TIP#6: Start To Use A Good Face Cream Every Day.

It will protect you against the Sun and ultimately those wrinkles that will make you look older than you really are. if you don't really know which products to use.

TIP#7: Be More Empathetic Towards Others And Less Selfish.

Think about the feelings and interests of other people a lot more because that will ultimately help you to communicate with them a lot better.

TIP#8: Take Good Care Of Your Shoes.

Apart from making you look better cleaning and polishing your shoes every now and then will make the shoes last longer and save you money. if you wear socks make sure the socks match the pants and please throw away all the socks with the holes in them. Yeah you know what I'm talking about.

TIP#9: Clean Your Ears.

For those guys that have those hair poking out of the ears, yes that also means you got to trim it.

TIP#10: Have Beard

If you feel that your face is not that attractive, like the symmetry is not all there. what you can do is grow a cool beard style. some men look a lot better with a beard. it's like they've been born to wear one

so why shave it? just trim it,

style it and maintain it.

TIP#11: Eat Well

I feel like I almost don't have to say this, but you got to start eating better. Your body will thank you for it and you will not only look better you will feel better as well.

TIP#12: Exercise Daily

If you hate exercise try just two days a week for one hour or get a bike or start a new sport. just get moving you will really start to have more energy and you will also feel a lot better. then clothes will look a lot better on you as well.

TIP#13: Listening while other talking

When someone else is talking especially if it's a girl, give your full attention. think about it, how do you feel like if you've been talking for a whileand you just realized this person doesn't listen to you at all and also never interrupt someone else when they are talking because then they will feel disrespected.

TIP#14: Get a Friend Opinion

When you go shopping, bring a brutally honest friend that you can trust. if they tell you hey this outfit is not looking good, don't be angry, they're just trying to help you. never ask a salesperson that are there because they need to make their Commission, rather trust your friend.

TIP#15: Choose The Right Haircut For Your Face

Remember your face is also changing overtime go and look at some old photos and you'll see it. this also means that the hairstyle that used to work for you might not work for you anymore. if you're happy with your haircut, use the right styling products. there's a huge difference between pomades, waxes, gels, hair spray, cream and clay.

TIP#16: Improve Your Clothing Styles.

Sometimes the clothes do make the man especially when it comes to first impressions. so, a good tip is to avoid clothes there are too tight or too big.

TIP#17: Be friendly, kind and positive

Because one of the most robust findings in psychology is the halo effect and what is the halo effect? well it is basically a bias where you unconsciously take one aspect of somebody as a proxy for their overall character.

In other words you basically make an assumption of their whole personality based on only one aspect. now it's interesting that research studies shown that people who are more kind and positive and friendly are rated as being more attractive than other people.

TIP#18: Be Yourself In All Situations

Why? well basically let me explain it this way: being an original is worth more than a copy. if you get what I mean. you can always improve on yourself but never try to be someone that you're not because you're never meant to be someone else. you're supposed to be the only you in this world.


This is probably the most important tip that a lot of people out there forget especially in the world that we live in today.
what is it? it is that beauty is not just about having a pretty face, it's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul and remember having a kind and soft heart in a cruel world is not a weakness it's courage.

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